TMA 2018 Tournament Days & Important Notes

Little time is remaining for the 2018 Tuna Masters Alaçatı Tournament. As of today, we declare that the effective Competition days will be set for Saturday the 6th and Sunday 7th of October. We kindly request you to properly read the Rules and absolutely be present at the Skipper’s Meeting to be held before the Tournament.

To elucidate many repeatedly asked questions, we would like to further emphasize some important issues already mentioned in our Rules. Please pay attention to such following highlighted issues.

  • 80# (lb) is the max line class for the Tournament. Master Class category is again applicable to Tuna Masters Alaçatı. For details about Master Class category, see “Rules”.
  • Use of “regulatory” harpoon is allowed; please refer to the Rules section for details.
  • For the TMA competition the “lines-out” time is scheduled for 15:30 o’clock, and the last weighing delivery time is 17:00 o’clock. A normal extension of 45 minutes for such “lines-out” time is standard. An additional 30 minutes extension is at the Referee Committee’s discretion and can be granted to the fighting boat provided the Referee Committee is informed of its need within and before the end of the first 45 minutes. Last weighing deadline can be accordingly extended for that boat, but the total length of such extensions cannot exceed 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) for both the fishing as well as the weighing delivery deadlines.
  • The Tournament Area is closed to participating boats/anglers on the Friday 5th of September. Boats found there during controls will be subject to points and time (delayed start) penalties.
  • Previously caught live bait cannot be used. Live bait can only be fished/caught during tournament hours and within the tournament area; live bait caught on the first day can be kept alive and used on the second day.
  • All fish, including bait fish, must be fished within the Tournament Area. Such Area cannot be abandoned, even with the pretext of bait-fishing. Unless special permission is granted from the Referee Committee, Boats which are neglecting or disregarding such rules will be subjected to penalties, regardless of whatever reason.
  • In the specific case of Bluefin Tuna, the quota for each boat is limited to the registered number of anglers as one fish per angler and cannot be more than 4 (four) in total.
  • Broadbill Swordfish is off-calendar as of October 1st and its release is therefore mandatory and not subject to points.
  • As the number of fishes per boat is indexed to the number of anglers, each fish must be caught by a different angler. As a rule, each angler has a right for one single fish. But the total number cannot exceed 4 fish per boat.
  • As for the calculation of weight and relative point allocation in the case of lengthwise measured Live Fish Release, because it is practically nearly impossible to take girth measurements whilst in the water, the weighted average of length/girth ratio of the landed and delivered catches for that day will be taken as the determining factor. Released fish will be evaluated accordingly.
  • Claims and Objections regarding rules or weighing infringements shall be submitted in writing within the first 30 minutes after such actual weighing time at latest.
  • Competing Boats cannot bear any brand or advertising material on their hulls or cabins. Boats which do bear those signs and/or inscriptions must either remove or permanently cover them for the whole duration of the Tournament. Non-Complying boats will be banned from the Competition.

Whilst wishing you a pleasant successful and plentiful competition, we look forward entertaining you very soon in Alaçatı.

Tight Lines….